Kübra Gümüşay

c/o Hanser Berlin – Lehrter Straße 57, Haus 4, 10557 Berlin

Büro betreut von Julia Obermann

Bürozeiten: dienstags 9.00 – 13.00 + donnerstags 9.00 – 13.00

Bei Interviewanfragen, Lesungen und alle anderen Fragen zu meinem Buch “Sprache und Sein”
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Hanser Berlin

Thomas Rohde
thomas.rohde@hanser.de, +49 30 252 948 015

#8 KÜFÜR | 50

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Insanlarin dil algıları herzaman ilgimi çekmiştir. Kelimeler ile kurduğumuz dünyalar birbirlerinden bazen cok farklı anlamlar taşıyabiliyor. Birisine önemsiz, digerine dünyayı anlatıyor aynı kelime.

This week’s thought is about our perception of language – how we build our own worlds through words, worlds that are profoundly different from one another. Sometimes one word doesn’t mean anything to one, but the world to another.

/ I know this one has been delayed. It’s been a superbusy week, that keeps me superbusy until late in the night. Probably until the end of this month even. Sigh.

One thought every Friday for a year #8 | 50

journalist, columnist and author of this blog. a turkish-german muslim juggling politics, feminism, cyberculture and life between germany, istanbul, oxford & the world.

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