UTOPIA TALKS is a public talk series at Thalia Theater in Hamburg, in conversation with our thought-provoking, inspiring guests – scholars, thinkers, writers & practitioners in politics, art, media, social & community work with expertise in imagining or practising otherwise – we will investigate what there is by analysing the dominant norms and practises: the dystopian elements of the present, as well as curate and highlight alternative practises in the present.
Over the course of the series of talks, we will explore imaginations and real utopias beyond the destructive forces of neo-liberal capitalism, patriarchy, racism, climate injustice, and many other forms of injustice, destructiveness and alienation in today’s world. Moving from the deconstruction of the present to the construction of alternative futures. From what else there could be to what else is emerging and already is. From analysis to imagination to practise.
Flow concept & Music by Rabih Lahoud | Research Assistance by Helena Sattler
Who has the privilege to imagine desirable futures? Whose imagination are we currently living in? In this series of events – »Imagination Dinners« – dedicated to exploring the politics of imagination: And if there was space and time to imagine otherwise, what would desirable, just futures look like? An evening that allows us to explore how to train our muscle of imagination, how to shift our attention from what there is to what there could be, to enlarge spaces within which alternative ideals and practices can be tested and experimented. As bell hooks put it: “What we cannot imagine cannot come into being.”
For more details, see webpage: imagination dinners

Future_s is a feminist research and advocacy organisation. The organisation’s mission is to contribute to a socially just and inclusive society. By doing our own research, developing new tools and intervention methods, we consult organisations, institutions and decision-makers and inform the public through our research and publications.
For more details, see here.
eeden is a co-creation space in Hamburg for visionary women. It is a powerful, international community uniting people from the fields of arts, design, culture, music, science, politics, media and business in a shared vision: Helping to shape a more just, more peaceful society. The founders of eeden are Jessica Louis, Nürsen Kaya, Onejiru Arfmann and Kübra Gümüşay.
Award: In November 2019, the team behind eeden was awarded as “Pilots of Culture and Creativity” by Minister of Economics Peter Altmeier and Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters. The team therefore is one of 32 entrepreneurs who were selected from 800 applicants at this year’s competition for groundbreaking ideas, which was initiated by the federal government.
For more details, see webpage: http://eedenhamburg.de/.

The “Progressomaschine” is the first intersectional and inclusive online election tool to help choose a party for the German national elections in 2021. The questions have been set by more than 50 organisations, representing underprivileged and marginalised electoral groups. This tool helps to put an emphasis on a more diverse range of topics relevant for an open society, strengthening social solidarity.
Along with future_s over 20 individuals from various organisations have helped create this tool, e.g. from Initiative Offene Gesellschaft, Netzwerk 3te Generation Ost, Claim – Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit, EOTO, Seebrücke, Deutscher Frauenrat, Neue Deutsche Organisationen and Refugee Law Clinic Berlin.
website: https://progressomaschine.org/