EDIT: Mona und ich haben Vanne ein sehr tolles Geschenk genäht. Eine Laptop-Tasche. Die sieht noch besser aus als die, die ich mir damals nähte! Fotos werde ich irgendwie irgendwann machen.
Vanne turned twenty-two. We had a wonderful day starting with an American brunch with loads of pancakes, maple sirup, muffins (and muffins and muffins), milkshakes, chocolate and any other meal that makes you think “a moment on your lips, a lifetime on your hips.” The sugarday ended the way it started: We made the blood in our sugar (intended typo) boil at Vannes lovely home! Yummy!
EDIT: Mona and I made a very nice present for Vanne: A handmade laptop-bag. It looks great – way better than the one I had made for myself. Pictures will follow – some day.
“Vanne turned twenty-one.” …. “Vanne wurde Zweiundzwanzig.” Was jetzt?
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Vanne!
kübra yücel
Ah, ‘tschuldigung! Twenty-TWO, of course! :)
Uhm…Ich seh immer scheisse aus…aber ansonsten ganz cool geworden… :D
Ching Ching
kübra yücel
Och, Bine. :)