Kübra Gümüşay

c/o Hanser Berlin – Lehrter Straße 57, Haus 4, 10557 Berlin

Büro betreut von Julia Obermann

Bürozeiten: dienstags 9.00 – 13.00 + donnerstags 9.00 – 13.00

Bei Interviewanfragen, Lesungen und alle anderen Fragen zu meinem Buch “Sprache und Sein”
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Hanser Berlin

Thomas Rohde
thomas.rohde@hanser.de, +49 30 252 948 015

Ok. Here is my absolutely awesome fun advice to first time new mothers in their first weeks: Sometimes you will have downs. And during those downs you might feel unproductive and think you're failing (which you're certainly not, but those hormones can be way louder than any sane voice in your head). And you might become unappreciative of all the things you actually accomplish. So, this fun exercise might help you shift your perspective. It

I wrote this text just a few weeks after I gave birth to our little son. My feelings have changed since, but I still do feel the intensity of that moment, of the realization. And the changes are still ongoing. Every day feels new, different. It's been more than half a year since I've last been flying over the clouds, feeling oddly close but at the same time completely detached from this world – watching it